FIDA's immersive birthday party, play between the virtual and real


FIDA's birthday party in October arrived as expected. With full sincerity and best wishes, we have prepared many surprises for you.There are not only DIY and VR experience, but also rich food and exquisite gifts, which bring you the real "five sense shock" in every detail.



When DIY meets Fluid Bear

Explore the art of color collision and blending



The pure white fluid bear gradually became colorful and varied in shape during everyone's careful creation and improvisation. From the color collocation, it is not difficult to see everyone's artistic talent and fashionable play heart.



When VR meets a birthday party

Travel freely between the virtual and the real



The birthday party will not be without games, the introduction of VR interactive experience rich in the sense of future technology, to give everyone the maximum sense of immersion, make the activity more lively and fun. In the VR world, when a motorboat driver,immersive over the mountains,through waterfalls and waves,rapids.Visual impact,let everyone back and forth in the real and virtual world, full of fun.


21autumn afternoon tea

Get both Ritual sense and atmosphere sense



Surrounded by exquisite cupcakes and snack fruits, the autumn wind of more than 20 degrees with soft and sweet taste touches everyone's taste buds. This October, sweet and warm.



A birthday party, an afternoon tea

One handmade, a new VR vision

Different is experience, unchanged is warmth

I hope you can keep your curiosity

Explore the unknown and look forward to the future with FIDA





